3th-2nd-3th-2nd ACE bird KBDB W-VL big middle distance '11-'12-'13-'14

Pigeon from another GALAXY . 3 Years in a row top 3 of her county. Fantastic pigeon in the hand, very soft ….but most important …very good . I think this never happened before in Belgium. Hopefully this year for the 4th time in a row .

3th-2nd-3th-2nd ACE bird KBDB W-VL big middle distance '11-'12-'13-'14

Pigeon from another GALAXY . 3 Years in a row top 3 of her county. Fantastic pigeon in the hand, very soft ….but most important …very good . I think this never happened before in Belgium. Hopefully this year for the 4th time in a row .

ADELE – BE11-3011390

See pedigree

3th-2nd-3th-2nd ACE bird KBDB W-VL big middle distance '11-'12-'13-'14

3th KBDB W-VL big half fond old 213
2nd KBDB W-VL big half fond yl 2012
3th KBDB W-VL half fond young 2011
14th NATIONAL Ace Pigeon KBDB big half fond 2013

Winner Cureghem Centre 2013

6th brugse kampioenschappen yearling 2012
7th brugse kampioenschappen old 2013

3 NATIONAL POITIERS 525 km 13813 2013
7 NATIONAL MONTLUCON 511 km 14230 2014
22 NATIONAL POITIERS 525 km 12379 2014
22 NATIONAL CHATEAUROUX 470 km 15902 2012
52 NATIONAL GUERET 539 km 7681 2014
94 NATIONAL SOUTERRAINE 536 km 9548 2013
105 NATIONAL BOURGES 430 km 9639 2013
1 CLUB MONTLUCON 511 km 248 2014
1 CLUB CHATEAUROUX 470 km 133 2013
1 CLUB BOURGES 430 km 112 2012
2 ZONE POITIERS 525 km 3134 2013
2 CLUB POITIERS 525 km 516 2013
2 CLUB MONTLUCON 511 km 448 2013
2 CLUB BLOIS 395 km 368 2011
2 CLUB FONTENAY 306 km 317 2013
2 CLUB ORLEANS 345 km 269 2011
2 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 223 2012
3 PROV POITIERS 525 km 2573 2013
3 PROV CHATEAUROUX 470 km 573 2013
3 CLUB POITIERS 525 km 480 2014
3 CLUB CHATEAUROUX 470 km 468 2012
3 CLUB MONTLUCON 511 km 314 2012
4 CLUB MONTLUCON 511 km 563 2012
4 CLUB BOURGES 430 km 366 2012
4 CLUB TOURS 433 km 172 2013
5 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 626 2011
6 PROV MONTLUCON 511 km 1840 2014
6 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 304 2012
6 CLUB L AIGLE 450 km 189 2012
7 PROV POITIERS 525 km 2451 2014
7 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 317 2013
7 CLUB BOURGES 430 km 205 2013
7 CLUB ARGENTON 497 km 75 2013
9 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 209 2014
10 PROV CHATEAUROUX 470 km 2905 2012
11 PROV GUERET 539 km 1114 2014
12 CLUB TOURS 433 km 938 2014
13 CLUB L AIGLE 450 km 239 2012
13 PROV BOURGES 430 km 1258 2012
16 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 231 2013
16 CLUB CHATEAUROUX 470 km 107 2012
17 CLUB FONTENAY 306 km 203 2013
18 CLUB  SOUTERRAINE 536 km 276 2013
18 PROV MONTLUCON 511 km 2360 2013
20 CLUB ARGENTON 497 km 520 2012
20 ZONE MONTLUCON 511 km 2646 2013


KBDB Ace PigeonsNational Top 10 WinnersOverall Champion KBDB WVL 2012Overall Champion KBDB WVL 2013Overall Champion of Belgium Cureghem Centre 2013Top 100 NationalRacers


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