Mea culpa , my fault . This pigeon was the winner , and fastest of all on Bourges . But , because of my fault…. i ve lost the victory. The moment the pigeon came home (like a hawk) , i came out of my loft . The pigeon flied away, and lost almost 2 minutes . I was to late , and did not think that the pigeons could be back at that time . I ve lost the 1st national with a difference of 7 seconds . These things can happen in the sport, but it s a pitty for the bird , and also for me .


Mea culpa , my fault . This pigeon was the winner , and fastest of all on Bourges . But , because of my fault…. i ve lost the victory. The moment the pigeon came home (like a hawk) , i came out of my loft . The pigeon flied away, and lost almost 2 minutes . I was to late , and did not think that the pigeons could be back at that time . I ve lost the 1st national with a difference of 7 seconds . These things can happen in the sport, but it s a pitty for the bird , and also for me .

Mea Culpa – BE12-3054065

See pedigree


3 NATIONAL BOURGES 430 km 11883 2013
1 CLUB MONTLUCON 511 km 491 2013
1 CLUB BOURGES 430 km 229 2013
2 PROV BOURGES 430 km 1151 2013
3 CLUB BOURGES 430 km 202 2012
4 CLUB FONTENAY 306 km 73 2013
14 CLUB ARGENTON 497 km 100 2013
15 PROV MONTLUCON 511 km 2836 2013
16 CLUB CHATEAUROUX 470 km 572 2013
17 CLUB CHATEAUROUX 470 km 119 2013
18 NAT Z MONTLUCON 511 km 3156 2013
43 CLUB BLOIS 395 km 944 2012
51 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 337 2013
52 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 1001 2012
58 CLUB FONTENAY 306 km 376 2013
60 CLUB POITIERS 525 km 482 2013
61 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 595 2012
74 CLUB GUERET 539 km 841 2012
75 PROV ARGENTON 497 km 727 2013
79 NAT Z CHATEAUROUX 470 km 4107 2013
81 PROV BOURGES 430 km 3945 2012
81 PROV CHATEAUROUX 470 km 3649 2013
83 CLUB CLERMONT 181 km 761 2012
111 PROV CHATEAUROUX 470 km 745 2013
171 PROV GUERET 539 km 3316 2012
236 PROV POITIERS 525 km 2621 2013
242 NAT Z POITIERS 525 km 2995 2013
453 NAT Z GUERET 539 km 7174 2012
523 NATIONAL POITIERS 525 km 13135 2013
789 NATIONAL CHATEAUROUX 470 km 19691 2013
1150 NATIONAL GUERET 539 km 16988 2012
2605 NATIONAL MONTLUCON 511 km 21827 2013


National Top 10 WinnersOld ChampionsTop 100 National


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